Your business is important. You’ve invested a lot of time and money into building up and keeping your venture running. Protect your investment with Jays Communication Services solutions with a choice of cameras, intruder sensors, motion sensors and entry management systems that ensure that your building, data and personnel are secure and safe at all times.

Having security in place is proven to be a deterrent to thieves, vandals and intruders. Visible cameras, security stickers and notification signs as well as well-lit keypads send a clear and strong warning that your premises is difficult to access, difficult to get out of, and comes with a high risk of getting caught, why would a criminal take that gamble when so many other buildings remain exposed?

Well positioned CCTV in your entrance ways and carpark can also send a message of security and care to your staff and customers. Taking that extra precaution means they can move from their transport to your facility under your protection.

As well as external threats, Jays Communication Services can protect sensitive data, intellectual properties, confidential documents and valuable areas inside your business premises with internal cameras. Use your security system as part of your induction process to give staff a feeling of dependability as well as a warning that your values and ethical codes will be enforced. With internal cameras in place you can ensure that private and confidential materials remain in your sight at all times.

Access your security footage as well as status updates and live notifications from your smartphone app for remote viewing no matter where you travel or where your time away from the office may take you. This gives you the ability to check on your business at any time to know that the doors are secure, or even to check that the cleaners set the alarm when they left.

Graffiti, vandalism and theft can be costly. Take advantage of Jays Communication base package giving you a blend of internal and external detection devices to give you all round secure protection. Package prices include installation and warranties giving you the certainty you need.

Call for a free onsite quote and demonstration from your licenced Jays Communication Services professional and keep your business safe.

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