No, the Australian government has not provided any payments or subsidies in relation to VAST Satellite TV Installations for several years now.

If you haven’t done so already, head to and add your address into the search bar. Press the ‘get info’ button and the tool will tell you what kind of free to air TV signal is available in your area. Generally, if there is no normal terrestrial (ground based) transmitter available in your area and/or you cannot receive reliable TV signal using a standard terrestrial TV Antenna then you will be eligible for the VAST Satellite free to air system.

VAST is an acronym for View Access Satellite Television (VAST) and was created and supported by the Australian Government. Supplied by the Optus C1 Satellite, VAST is a service the allows all Australian people to access to free TV channels over the satellite.

No, you only need to pay for the initial installation. However, over time, you will inevitably need to carry out maintenance, repairs and replacement as your system starts to age. This can either be done DIY or by a professional technician.

In some cases you will require a signal amplifier. Your technician will test the signal from the antenna and calculate the loss for the system, taking into account cable length and amount of points required, this will determine if an amplifier is required.

Different parts of the country transmit free to air tv on different frequencies hence the requirement for different antennas. Metropolitan areas are generally on the VHF spectrum and regionally are on the UHF spectrum. Different antennas are also cut to specific frequencies to eliminate external interference that others may pick up.

Is it plugged in?
Have you turned it off and on have you tried an automatic retune? Power supply for the amp.

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